Does Bass Pro Shop Do FFL Transfers?

In Bass Pro Shops, FFL Dealers, FFL Fees by editor7 Comments

Yes. Bass Pro Shops will do your FFL transfer. Sort of… It depends on the Bass Pro Shop location in question. My best advice would be to call your local Bass Pro Shop and see if that particular store will do your FFL transfer. Some Bass Pro Shops will, and some Bass Pro Shops will not.

How much will Bass Pro Shops Charge you for an FFL transfer?

Shop Bass Pro Guns

The current price that the Bass Pro Shops are charging for FFL transfers is between $25.00 – $75.00, depending on which store you transfer your firearm into.

There is no transfer fee if you purchase your gun/firearm online at a Bass Pro Shop and have it sent to a Bass Pro Shop store near you for pickup. With over 200 locations nationwide, there is a good chance that you will have a Bass Pro Shop near you.


    1. Author


      $70.00? Prices must have gone up since we published our post. Out of curiosity, which Bass Pro store did you purchase your gun from?

    1. Author

      $50.00 seems pretty reasonable. It looks like FFL transfer fees have definitely gone up around the country. Just out of curiosity, what handgun did you buy from them and how did their gun prices compare to everyone else?

  1. I don’t pay more than $20 for any transfer, pawn shops are the way to go. What Bass Pro should do is provide free transfers for club members.

  2. Just called, Bass Pro in Manteca wants $175 for an FFL transfer. I said ‘ma’am that’s insane’ and she didn’t have an answer. It’s robbery

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