If you are new to the gun and firearm space you may have asked yourself or even Googled one or several of these acronyms. What do all these gun-related, concealed carry related acronyms mean? Let’s dive in state by state and see if we can help you answer some of these questions.
- CCP – Concealed Carry Permit
- CCDW – Carry of Concealed Deadly Weapon License
- CCL – Concealed Carry License
- CHP – Concealed Handgun Permit
- CPL – Concealed Pistol License
- CWL – Concealed Weapon License
- CWP – Concealed Weapon Permit
- CCW – Carrying a Concealed Weapon
- CDWL – Concealed Deadly/Defensive Weapon License
- CFP – Concealed Firearm Permit
- CCL – Concealed Carry License
- FOID – A Firearm Owners Identification Card
- ISP – Illinois State Police
On July 9, 2013, Public Act 98-63, the Firearm Concealed Carry Act became state law (430 ILCS 66). This law requires an Illinois Concealed Carry License to carry a concealed firearm in Illinois.
An Illinois Concealed Carry License (CCL) is required to concealed carry a firearm in Illinois
A Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID) is required when purchasing a handgun in Illinois.
- LCF – Licensed to Carry Firearm
- LTCF – Licensed to Carry Firearm
- CCDW – Carrying a Concealed Weapon
The Kentucky State Police was authorized by KRS 237.110 to issue and renew licenses to carry concealed firearms or other deadly weapons, or a combination thereof, to qualified persons.