What does FOID mean? The FOID card or F. O. I. D. card is the acronym for the Federal Owners Identification card which is unique to Illinois. When was the FOID card created? The FOID card was created in 1968, by the FOID Act, as …
FOID Card Meaning
What does FOID card mean? The FOID card or F. O. I. D. card is the acronym for the Federal Owners Identification card which is unique to Illinois. When was the FOID card created? The FOID card was created in 1968, by the FOID Act, …
Illinois FOID Card & Concealed Carry Extension
New Illinois FOID Card & Concealed Carry Extension Just Issued I just read that The Illinois State Police filed an emergency rule yesterday to address renewals of Firearm Owner Identification and Concealed Carry Licenses for Illinois FOID card members during this COVID-19 epidemic. The new …
What is a FOID Card?
A FOID card or F. O. I. D. card is the acronym for the Federal Owners Identification card which is unique to Illinois. The FOID card was created in 1968, by the FOID Act, as a way to identify those persons eligible to possess and …